KCC Stories: Dual-enrolled KCC student Jermaine Williams

Dual-enrolled KCC student Jermaine Williams

What’s your KCC Story? Share it on social media using the hashtag #KCCStory or let us know by filling out the form online at www.kellogg.edu/kccstories!

Here’s dual-enrolled KCC student Jermaine Williams’ KCC Story:

“I’ve been a dual-enrolled high school student at KCC since my junior year. KCC is a good school, it’s close to home and it allows me to take college classes for free. Because of my experience at KCC, I’m confident in my decision to major in business so that I can manage a record label, or even produce music someday. KCC is great for high school students who want to jump-start their degree. It’s about value. For me, KCC showed me how to turn my passion into a career.”

See more in the video below!

See more KCC Stories online at www.kellogg.edu/kccstories.