A photo from a basketball camp for kids led by members of the men’s basketball team last spring at the Miller Gym.
Area youth will have three opportunities to attend basketball camps led by members of the Kellogg Community College men’s basketball team and coaching staff this spring, including a Team Alliance Plastics Basketball Camp at the Battle Creek Family YMCA and two sessions of a Girls and Boys Spring Basketball Camp at KCC’s Miller Gymnasium.
Team Alliance Plastics Basketball Camp
The Team Alliance Plastics Basketball Camp is a free camp offered for boys and girls in third through eighth grades over spring break, April 1-5. The third- through fifth-graders will play from 8 to 9:45 a.m. and the sixth- through eighth-graders will play from 10 to 11:45 a.m.
The camp will be at the Battle Creek Family YMCA’s Multi-Sports Center, 182 Capital Ave. NE, Battle Creek.
While there is no cost for kids to attend, space for the camp is limited and participants must register by Monday, March 25. The registration form is available online at www.ymcabattlecreek.org/team_alliance_plastics_basketball_camp.pdf.
For more information, contact Brad McCormack at 269-963-9622 ext. 102 or bmccormack@ymcabattlecreek.org.
KCC Girls and Boys Spring Basketball Camps
The KCC Girls and Boys Spring Basketball Camp is open to boys and girls in second through eighth grades. The camp runs in two sessions that meet from 2 to 5:30 p.m. for four Saturdays at the Miller Gymnasium, 450 North Ave., Battle Creek.
Session 1 meets April 13, 20, 27 and May 4, and Session 2 meets May 11, 18, 25 and June 1. Registration for both sessions will be noon to 4 p.m. April 5 at the Miller Gym and on the first day of each camp. The cost for each camp is $25 per camper.
For more information, contact head men’s basketball coach Melvin McKnight at 269-274-8640, assistant men’s basketball coach Ron Jamierson at 269-274-9025 or assistant men’s basketball coach Ben Reed at 269-339-6999.
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