Happy Earth Day! Kellogg Community College is celebrating by offering the following events on the College’s North Avenue campus in Battle Creek:
Repurposing T-shirts
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Student Center
KCC’s Phi Theta Kappa honor society students and the College’s Student Life office are collaborating to offer students a chance to repurpose T-shirts into other useful items, including:
- Scarves
- Shopping bags
- And more!
Anyone can participate in the event, which will be held on the raised dining platform near the reflecting pools entrance to the Student Center. Materials — including T-shirts — will be provided, but students are welcome to bring their own shirts to repurpose, as well!
“Less Is More: A Lesson in Sustainable Printing”
3 p.m. in Room 101 of the Schwarz Science Building
Free (space is limited, so get there early!)
Dr. Laura Thompson, director of Technical Marketing and Sustainable Development for Sappi Fine Paper North America, will speak about:
- The environmental impacts of electronics vs. paper
- Fact vs. fiction when it comes to sustainable forestry
- Why more recycled fiber is not alway s better
In her role at Sappi, Thompson is responsible for driving key initiatives that have enabled the company to be recognized as a leader in sustainability. Whether covering eco-labeling, life-cycle analysis, sustainable forestry or greenhouse gas emissions, Thompson presents information grounded in facts and science in a voice that unparalleled in the print communications industry.