KCC employee accepting submissions for new online literary journal Cereal City Review

Kellogg Community College Center for Student Success Instructional Assistant April DeOliveira has started a brand-new literary journal called Cereal City Review and is accepting submissions of fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry through Jan. 31 for consideration for publication in the first online issue.

DeOliveira, who also teaches a creative writing class for KCC’s Lifelong Learning Department, answered some questions about the journal below.

Why start a literary journal?

As a creative writer and reader, I’ve dreamed for years of producing my own literary journal. I believe it’s important to create opportunities for writers to share their work, grow and ultimately bring light to others through the written word.

The title of the journal is Cereal City Review. What’s the story behind the title?

The title comes from Battle Creek, affectionately known as “Cereal City” due to its rich history with the cereal industry. This legacy has deeply influenced the city’s economy, culture and community spirit, making it a vital part of Battle Creek’s identity. Just as Battle Creek and its people are shaped by this cereal heritage, all people are profoundly shaped by the places they live — their identities intricately intertwined with their surroundings. With this in mind, Cereal City Review focuses on work that explores the theme of place.

What kind of work are you hoping to receive from contributors? Who can submit?

We’re seeking fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry with a strong sense of place — work where the place is so integral that the story or poem couldn’t exist without it. We’re looking for narratives where conflicts and characters are inseparable from their environments, and poetry that evokes vivid, postcard-like images of specific locales. Because we believe that place shapes identity, we want writing that brings these connections to life in fresh and compelling ways.

While the journal draws inspiration from Battle Creek, contributors don’t have to be from or live in Battle Creek to submit. The key is that your work should have a strong sense of place — whatever that looks like for you and your work. And if you’re unsure if your piece fits, submit it anyway!

Any advice for contributors or things they should know before submitting?

Send us your absolute best work, in its final form, and be sure to review the submission guidelines on our website.

What are your long-term goals for the journal? What does it look like six months from now? A year? Longer?

I plan to start with two online issues per year — one in the fall and one in the spring. Once the journal has established itself, I’d love to expand into print publications. My hope is to begin with an annual “Best of Cereal City Review” print edition after two or three years, eventually moving toward printing every issue.

Anything else you’d like to say?

Visit the journal’s website at cerealcityreview.com, and if you have questions, feel free to email us at cerealcityreviewlit@gmail.com.