Kellogg Community College will celebrate the accomplishments of nearly 900 graduating students at the College’s annual commencement ceremony this month in Battle Creek.
The commencement program will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 12, at Kellogg Arena, 36 W. Hamblin Ave., Battle Creek, and will include addresses from KCC staff and trustees as well as remarks from Interim President Dr. Paul Watson II and 2022 graduate Elissa Ferris.
The commencement ceremony, in which approximately 284 graduates have signed up to participate, is open to these graduates and their guests; no tickets are needed. Arena doors will open to guests at 6 p.m.
Commencement speaker Ferris, of Battle Creek, is graduating with an Associate in General Studies degree and plans to attend Western Michigan University to study to become a physical therapist. Ferris was awarded All-Michigan Academic Team and Registered Student Organization Officer of the Year honors at KCC’s recent Outstanding Bruin Awards ceremony.
Ferris also was recently announced as one of two 2022 recipients of the KCC Foundation’s prestigious Virginia M. Hensley Education or Health Care Two-Year Transfer Scholarship for the Highest Achieving Kellogg Community College Graduates.
This will be the first in-person indoor commencement ceremony since COVID-19 moved the ceremony virtual in 2020; the 2021 commencement ceremony was a drive-thru outdoor event held on campus.
The 2022 ceremony will celebrate the accomplishments of 899 graduates from four semesters at KCC, including Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022 and Summer 2022. The Class of 2022 is the 64th graduating class at KCC, which was founded in 1956.
Questions about commencement may be directed to the KCC Registrar’s Office at 269-565-2612.
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