KCC Board signs resolution designating April 2024 “Kellogg Community College Month”

An aerial view of the North Avenue campus at sunrise.

The Kellogg Community College Board of Trustees at its March 20 Board meeting approved a resolution designating the month of April as Kellogg Community College Month in alignment with a national effort to establish a monthlong celebration of community colleges.

The resolution aligns with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s April 1 proclamation that April 2024 is Community College Month in Michigan, as well as the Association of Community College Trustees’ annual #CCMonth campaign to increase awareness and understanding of the value community colleges offer their communities.

According to the state’s proclamation, Michigan’s outstanding community colleges enroll 280,000 students, grant 19,900 degrees each year, 7,000 certificates each year, and 52% of students who earn bachelor’s degrees in Michigan have completed courses at a community college.

The full text of the KCC resolution, which was signed by KCC President Dr. Paul R. Watson II and Board Chair Steve Claywell, follows.


WHEREAS, the more than 1,300 community and technical colleges, public and private, in the United States have contributed enormously to the richness and accessibility of American higher education, nearly half of all undergraduate college students in the Nation today are enrolled in community colleges; and

WHEREAS, by providing educational opportunities at costs and locations accessible to all who are qualified, community and technical colleges have greatly enhanced the opportunity for every ambitious student, young or old, to enter a postsecondary school program. As community-based institutions, our schools provide varied programs and offer specialized training for more than 1,000 occupations and

WHEREAS, this community is served well by Kellogg Community College and Kellogg Community College has been recognized by the Higher Learning Commission for its exceptional report and processes during the March 2021 Reaffirmation while proudly serving Calhoun, Barry, and Branch counties; and

WHEREAS, Kellogg Community College received the prestigious honor of ranking as the number one community college in Michigan and ranking in the top 5% of community colleges in the United States by coming in 33rd nationwide based on tuition and fees, student-faculty ratio, and graduation rates, to name a few; and

WHEREAS, Kellogg Community College’s Regional Manufacturing Technology Center campus is home to more than 325 company-sponsored training programs related to manufacturing, while Workforce Solutions served over 115 students in 2023 through the iACT and MiLEAP programs, helping community members gain the skills necessary for the workforce; and

WHEREAS, in 2023-24, a robust dual enrollment/early college program including 55 high schools, up from 16 in 2017, consisting of approximately 25% of the student body; and

WHEREAS, Kellogg Community College is a leader in public service relationships. Since 2020, over 1,400 students have completed service-learning at Kellogg Community College, contributing over $800,000 in volunteer dollars back into the community through over 27,000 volunteer hours. In the last year, students have volunteered with over 100 organizations with over 10,000 hours. While the impact on organizations can be measured quantitatively like the above, the impact on students from their participation and service is nearly immeasurable; and

WHEREAS, Kellogg Community College trustees and staff serve the global higher education community on statewide, national, and international boards, including, but not limited to, the Building Trades Council, City Commissioners, AACC’s Commission on Student Success, MCCA’s Board of Directors, the Council for Accreditation of Two Year Colleges, Calhoun Area School Board, and service to state and local community boards, foundations, and committees; and

WHEREAS, in recognition of the important contribution of community and technical colleges to our total educational system, in 1985, Congress authorized and requested that then-President Ronald Reagan issue Proclamation 5418, establishing a National Community College Month.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, we, the Kellogg Community College Board of Trustees, recognize April Kellogg Community College Month.

Photo courtesy of JJ Combs/Combs Drone Services.

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