Take our Advising Assessment Survey for a chance to win a Kindle Fire HD or a gift card

An academic advisor works with a student.

Take our Advising Assessment Survey at www.surveymonkey.com/r/acadadvis for your chance to win a Kindle Fire HD tablet or a gift card!

Before participating in the survey, please read the following:

You are being asked to participate in an advising assessment that is being done by administrators from Kellogg Community College. This assessment is being done by Dr. Donna LM Malaski and Terah Zaremba. The purpose of this Information Sheet is to let you know more about the assessment so you can decide whether to volunteer for the assessment or not. Please read the form carefully.

You may ask questions about why the assessment is being done, what you will be asked to do, the possible risks and benefits, your rights as a volunteer, and anything else about the assessment or this form that is not clear. You may talk with your friends and family about this assessment before making your decision to participate..

When all your questions have been answered, you can decide if you want to be in this assessment. This process is called “informed consent.” If you decide to participate, your participation will indicate that you have read this information sheet and that you understand what it says.

For questions about the study you may contact Dr. Donna LM Malaski at malaskid@kellogg.edu or Terah Zaremba at zarembat@kellogg.edu.