KCC Journalism Camp: ART 103: Two-Dimension Design is one of many art classes offered at KCC this fall

A photo of a colorful tapestry in the Binda lobby.

Editor’s note: The following class preview was written by 10-year-old Harper Creek Middle School fifth grader Steven Maske as part of Kellogg Community College’s Journalism and News Writing Camp, which ran July 23 through 26 on the College’s North Avenue campus in Battle Creek.… Continue Reading

KCC Journalism Camp: Learn the basics of drawing in ART 110: Drawing 1 this fall at KCC

A closeup of a hand drawing with a pencil on a notepad.

Editor’s note: The following class preview was written by 10-year-old Lakeview Middle School sixth grader Alexa Anthony as part of Kellogg Community College’s Journalism and News Writing Camp, which ran July 23 through 26 on the College’s North Avenue campus in… Continue Reading

Here’s a list of photography classes offered at KCC this summer

An overhead view of photography equipment.

Registration for the Summer 2018 semester is open now! For information about signing up for summer classes, visit www.kellogg.edu/registration. To apply to KCC online for free, visit www.kellogg.edu/step1. Interested in photography? Here’s a list of several photography (ART) classes offered at Kellogg Community College during… Continue Reading