KCC Stories: Harper Creek sophomore Hailey Peguero says dual-enrollment at KCC will get you ahead

Dual-enrolled Harper Creek/KCC student Hailey Peguero.

When Harper Creek High School sophomore Hailey Peguero turned 16 and got her driver’s license in January, she did so as a college student who’d already earned four college credits. That’s because Peguero is dual-enrolled at Kellogg Community College, where… Continue Reading

KCC Stories: Dual-enrolled KCC student Jermaine Williams

Dual-enrolled KCC student Jermaine Williams

What’s your KCC Story? Share it on social media using the hashtag #KCCStory or let us know by filling out the form online at www.kellogg.edu/kccstories! Here’s dual-enrolled KCC student Jermaine Williams’ KCC Story: “I’ve been a dual-enrolled high school student at KCC since my junior year.… Continue Reading