KCC in the news: Monday, Aug. 25, 2014

Blaze the mascot reads a recent edition of the Bruin student newspaper.

*Fall 2014 registration is now open! Click here for more information! Here are some links to recent online media mentions of Kellogg Community College. “Class Notes” (Battle Creek Enquirer, Aug. 25) “Breaking Barriers To Employment: Educators, employers retool Battle Creek’s work force” (Battle Creek Enquirer,… Continue Reading

IBEW 445 LMCC establishes new level of giving to Bruin Open

Members of a local IBEW present a donation check to KCC and KCC Foundation officials outside on campus.

Representatives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers LMCC, which includes Current Electric Inc., Motor Shop Electrical Construction and Union Electric Inc., on Aug. 20 presented the Kellogg Community College Foundation with a donation of $7,500, representing a new level… Continue Reading

KCC student receives $1,000 LEEP law enforcement scholarship

Scholarship winner Bradley Duck, Jr.

News from the Law Enforcement Education Program based in Troy: Pennfield High School graduate Bradley Duck, Jr., is among 21 top students who will receive $1,000 college scholarships to encourage their pursuit of law enforcement/public safety careers by the professional public safety officers… Continue Reading

Add a 2-credit Physical Education class this fall

Students do yoga during class at the Miller Gym

It’s not to late to add classes to your fall semester schedule at Kellogg Community College, and Physical Education classes are a great option for getting credit and getting healthy at the same time! Listed below are several two-credit Physical… Continue Reading

Women’s basketball team signs KeAyra Petty of Detroit

Signing photo for new women's basketball player KeAyra Petty.

KeAyra Petty of Detroit has signed a National Letter of Intent to play women’s basketball at Kellogg Community College and will begin playing for the Bruins this season. Petty, a graduate of Lincoln High School, played three years of varsity basketball… Continue Reading

Branch County Community Chorus accepting new members

KCC choir members perform in a church in Battle Creek.

Kellogg Community College’s Branch County Community Chorus is accepting members for the 2014-15 performance season. No auditions are required to join the BCCC, but members must register for the Community Chorus course MUSI 104 (for credit) or MUSI C104 (non-credit) prior… Continue Reading

KCC women’s volleyball season begins this month

KCC's 2014 women's volleyball team.

Kellogg Community College’s fall 2014 women’s volleyball season kicks off this month and will include eight home matches with free admission on the College’s North Avenue campus. Home women’s volleyball matches are scheduled for the following dates: 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept.… Continue Reading