KCC in the news: May 23, 2012

Here are some of the latest mentions of Kellogg Community College in online media. To view the original posts, click through the links in the publications’ titles.

  • The Battle Creek Enquirer posted an article about a speech given in Battle Creek by Bill Symonds, director of the Pathways to Prosperity Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Symonds noted in his talk that “America’s high schoolers are too often pushed into academia while leaving high school and college without the skills needed by the country’s employers” and that “the country should invest in vocational education, career counseling and work-based learning for K-12 students.” Later in the article it’s suggested that local educators are pushing some of the things Symonds suggests, including Kellogg Community College and the college’s Regional Manufacturing Technology Center, which “offer youth job training that is not necessarily geared toward a four-year academic degree.”
  • The Battle Creek Enquirer also posted a similar article in which Craig Carrel, president of Albion’s Team 1 Plastics, is said to suggest that “students have been pushed into college to study business or finance and schools haven’t pushed the kind of electronics and computer skills he needs.” Carrel is quoted in the article as saying that “a lot of these jobs don’t require college education but maybe a trade school, maybe (Kellogg Community College’s Regional Manufacturing Technology Center), maybe on-the-job training is what you need. And those jobs can pay well, too. You can have a very nice lifestyle.”

For more news about Kellogg Community College, view our press releases online at kellogg.edu/news/press.html.